Looking for an easy way to clearly explain salvation to children? This series of six lessons uses colors to explain the steps of salvation. Each lesson focuses on one color, using songs, drama, object lessons, puppet plays, and even snacks to convey the message. Join Pierre the Painter in lessons 1 to 5, each using a different color to represent a part of the plan of salvation. Lesson 6 is an overall salvation review in a "60 Minutes" format. Children will learn how to become a Christian and share their faith with others.
This unit provides 60 - 90 minutes of programming for each lesson, and can be adapted to fit the needs of your ministry. Includes decorating ideas, special character scripts, object lessons, stories, scripture memory activities, prayer and spiritual challenge, snack ideas, and more.
Lessons are:
- Black (sin)
- Red (love)
- White (purity)
- Gold (Heaven)
- Green (growth)
- "Sixty Minutes For Salvation"
This series is geared toward grades one through six. It can be used for children's church, VBS, midweek activities, Sunday school, camps, and more!
A supplemental CD is included. Song titles are:
Segments in each lesson are:
- Group Singing
- Puppet Play
- Pierre the Painter
- Snack with Tasty Truths Character
- Offering and Announcements
- Read-Aloud Story
- Object Lesson
- Bible Lesson
- Scripture Memory Activity
- Prayer and Spiritual Challenge
This unit includes:
- Unit overview
- Printed song lyrics
- Supplemental music CD
- Character descriptions and costume ideas
- Decoration ideas
- Complete reproducible lesson plans for six sessions, including puppet skits, visuals, and read-aloud story
- Paper Bag Puppet Patterns